Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Expendables 2

Fun. From the moment the film started I had fun by the clip. And there were alot of clips expended in this movie. They got the entire band back together for the sequel to 2010's action extravaganza and much to my surprize, it got better. There was some sembelance of a plot, even a modacam of character development. I had a blast.

The action pacing was good, most of the characters, of which there were quite a few, got a descent bit of camera time and the writing was actually not bad. The snarky nature of the dialouge in the film felt much more organic in the sequel than in the original. It felt more like they were all old friends pulling one liners and joking on each other like old college friends. New additions to the cast, Liam Hemsworth and Chuck Norris felt right at home in their respective roles. The expanded roles of Schwarzenegger and Willis rounded out the cast quite well and somewhat made up for their cameo roles in the previous film.

Now back to the fun. The body count was higher, they were even more wasteful with the ammunition, there were tanks, and gratuitious use of Hale Ceasar's AA-12 automatic shotgun. There was Jason Statham kicking peoples asses quite litterally, all over the place. There was Stallone being well, a combination of Rambo and Rocky. And Chuck Norris stole the show during his small but influential scenes. I haven't had more fun since, well, I can't remember it right now, but it's been a LONG time.

Was this movie as good as The Avengers or TDKR? NO WAY. Was it as fun as the action scenes at the end of The Avengers? Close, very close. There is just something very pleasing about watching well known action stars getting together and doing it ALOT. In that way it's a lot like The Avengers, all the well known heroes you know all come together for a big hurrah. And just like The Avengers it just plain works.

Go see it with Dad. I did.

The Expendables 2                              74 out of 100         

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